Mathematics homework help

Mathematics homework help. Write 1 page essay on the topic Republicans Warn Washington to Think Twice About Legalizing Marijuana.Nevertheless, various limitations appear in the Act, an instance that makes Congress retain substantial jurisdiction over the district. In addition, the Rule provides that Congress can enact laws for the District on any issue. Experts claim that the limitations in the enactment are meant to protect the capital of the federal government. However, I strongly find these encroachments rather annoying.Over the years, various attempts have been made to restrain the actions of Districts on issues pertaining to abortion and medical marijuana. However, it emerges that the interferences are platforms for politicians to make political statements meant to resonate with voters in their congressional districts. As such, the action fails to consider the fact that the city has its needs. The argument in question is not just the legalization of the drug per se. instead, it is about the power of non-resident congressional representatives of the District reversing decisions reached by the voters. I believe that the Capital is a unique region that plays a vital role in the functions of the government, an aspect that makes congressional oversight important. Nonetheless, it is imperative that congressional representatives should use the provided oversight powers appropriately and detest from overruling the district’s electorate decisions for individual political

Mathematics homework help


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